The Perfect Recipe to Bake — A Relationship

Tiya Chatterji
4 min readJun 3, 2021

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Amid the humdrum of life, when you walk down a not-so-busy road and are suddenly swept by a sweet scent, your mind finds it hard to describe but reminds you of caramel. As you continue to trudge, the scent draws you closer as though with its arms wide open. You quickly alter your direction and pursue the scent and all of a sudden your path seems like a stroll in the woods or on a beach; even better! As the aroma fills your senses, your surroundings change and you finally see it. There it is, sweet-smelling, delicious-looking sumptuous cake! No one can resist the lingering smell of molten butter on yeast and those roasted choco- chips. Well, I am a sucker for cakes, and a bakery is surely my first love. Ever seen the hands which go into making the perfect cheesecake, the recipes which allow it to melt in your mouth? It comes from hard work, the experience that is crafted to perfection.

I am not sure if it is my unhinged imagination or have you also ever wondered, how the skill of baking a cake is kind of the equivalent of co-creating your dream love life. Cake lover at heart I was and will be, but the division of my heart was soon to be. When every season in my life seemed like Autumn, I met him beside the sea, sipping on some White Rum. It did not take long to fall in love, his hazel eyes seemed to cast a spell which I could not break off. How I relished looking at my love, a blend of dark chocolate and mocha he is. His voice felt like molten butter on my skin, his kisses left like the sour tinge of berries. How I adore my love, yet there was soon trouble to brew up.

You see when you begin baking; you make mistakes and your first cake is usually half-baked or burned. You might be wondering which one is still better, well both are worse, #reality check. Now the vivacity for baking is a prerequisite but over-stacking of ingredients is the biggest mistake rather respite. It won’t surprise me if you also pondered that by adding extra sugar or chocolate you will make your cake delectable. You know the answer; it’s too bitter or too sweet; in short not edible.
Now back to my cupcake and my baking skills. My cake umm, I mean my man is more of dark chocolate so at first, I grabbed to take a bite, not literally! But soon I realized that dark chocolate for a prolonged interval isn’t my type. So I added the sweetness of too many calls, messages, and care, all of which wasn’t enough, and I still sometimes despair. It led to a slight change in taste however, it did not lead to the perfect taste I wished. I felt like I was unfit to bake, this cake of eternal love with my bae. The dough got sour and the flavor left our mouths, only to be gritty left in a corner to sit stale.

When all hopes of me learning to bake died, I met a chef one of her kind. She held a wand instead of a spatula, just commanded the ingredients, and Voila! She taught me how to trust myself and not give up; she reminded me how I was drawn to the scent of fluffy pancakes and that blueberries made me blush. I had it in me, the love for cake; I can be a master of baking my cake. Just as gentle as you can be, handle your cake very mindfully. I thought about my cake and my failed attempts to perfectly bake. Results don’t come if you don’t recognize the flaw or the missing ingredient or maybe the Owen was not too hot. Your dog too wouldn’t eat a half-baked cake so let me tell you foremost, you need lots of patience and love. One fine day a light bulb lit and I found the missing ingredient on the list. It did not come easy, a lot of guidance from the chef accompanied by sleepless nights all amounted to this knowledge I now call mine.

So I took one last leap of faith, to bake my perfect cake, one that I could never get tired of eating, and one which I could mostly share only with his mommy! So I began with adding lots of love and smiles, and a dash of self–love followed by kindness which you must know for sure. Then I added two spoons of trust and loyalty each, as there are many cakes in the market but you want to stick to your keen selection only. A key ingredient is a drop of passion-essence that ignites the desire, followed by a pinch of commitment that will fuel the fire. Now I had to set the temperature right as I had already failed many times, so I had to be patient and wait for a longer time. And when I let the dough rise on its own and let it sit in the Owen, my patience paid off and in front of me was my baked cake, cooked to perfection.

You see, relationships can be taxing at times, but it is just like baking a cake which requires some time. It requires experience and skills of your own sometimes, which you need to learn from someone other than you know. The cure for fate is patience they say, so don’t mess the ingredients or be in haste, as baking/relationships require time to take shape. Find out your recipe and secret ingredients, don’t just give up, love blossoms every season.

Thank you for reading!



Tiya Chatterji

Archaic Soul. Writer by the Oceans, Student of the past and Archaeologist at Heart. Nature Lover and a Poet high on LIITs.